Building End-Fed Random Wire HF Antenna

Well, it’s been a while but there’s some news with regards to where I’m at with radio.  I tested for my General License and passed on 4/18/2015.  So, since March, I’ve been spending a lot of time studying along with tending to work.

I began building an End-Fed Random Wire HF antenna with the box photographed below.  The left lug is ground and the right lug will go to the wire.  I’m hoping to be on-air by next weekend, weather depending.  I have some coax to route to the new rig and have to hang the wire.  This is all dependent upon how much time I get available between now and then.

Our local Packet repeater has been down for over a month.  I will be looking at HF Packet and PSK31 once I go on the air with my new rig and antenna.


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